Every Suitcase Can Be Unpacked

We were all created to win but sadly we will not all win. Those who win turn disappointments into appointments. Those who don’t win turn disappointments into disagreements.

If I wrote a note to my younger self, I would tell her not to sweat the small stuff and don’t lose heart over the bigger stuff because she will become an amazing storyteller.

Learn from your mistakes and don’t count your enemies. Every plot that was sent to break you will become your standing ground. We are here on earth only for a limited time, we are in a race whether we want to participate or not…we are all participants because we are alive.

There’s a little dash (-) that stands between the time we were born and the time we die it’s a reminder that it’s not about the years on this earth, it’s about how we live those years.

To get to the finished line we must unpack our suitcases. Toss out the garments: blame, guilt, hangups, bad habits, shame, regrets, resentment, secrets, etc. Life has a way of throwing back recycled garments back into our suitcases time after time. Be picky – choose only your tailor-made garments that make you feel good.

If we stop at every barking dog, we will not finish on time. Turn the page … write a new chapter. Run in a way to finish with top speed. Tell your future self, “Everything will be okay in the end.”

Our suitcases says a lot about us. It tells a story of where we’ve traveled over our lifetime and the things (emotions) we pick up along the way.

Some people prefer carry on luggage, some prefer one medium size, while others carry three pieces. But one thing is certain…every suitcase can be unpacked and repacked.

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